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TASK 2: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES1. Businesses move to rural areas

Thời gian đọc: ~15 min

Traffic and accommodation problems are increasing and the government should encourage businesses to move from cities to rural areas. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Dàn ý

  • Dạng bài: Advantages and disadvantages

  • Mở bài: Paraphrase lại đề bài

  • Thân bài

Đoạn 1. Mặt tích cực của việc chuyển các doanh nghiệp từ thành phố về nông thôn:

   - Có lợi cho môi trường đô thị => bảo vệ sức khỏe người dân

   - Giảm khoảng cách giàu nghèo => mang lại bình yên cho xã hội

Đoạn 2. Mặt tiêu cực của việc chuyển các doanh nghiệp từ thành phố về nông thôn:

   - Ít công nhân lành nghề, có kỹ năng

   - Giảm lợi nhuận cho doanh nghiệp vì ở xa khách hàng, nhà cung cấp và các đối tác

  • Kết bài: Khẳng định lại ý kiến

Model essay:

In the past, factories were often built close to city areas as the lack of transportation forbade people to do otherwise. However, this is not exactly the case today, when industries and businesses are moving from and into countryside areas in flocks. This essay will elaborate on both positive and negative effects of this trend.

the positive side, firstly, this movement makes perfect environmental sense. industrial activities, residents of many cities around the world are still breathing in air and consuming water dirty enough to cause numerous health diseases. , moving businesses out of the cities will rid human and other species of pollution. A further advantage of this trend is reducing the gap between the rich and the poor in a country, as countryside dwellers can opt to work in factories with higher pay, rather than agricultural work. This will eventually bring peace and harmony to society.

On the negative side, doing business in the countryside also represents some notable drawbacks. To begin with, skilled workers are a in rural areas. Most people living in small towns and villages do not receive education to undertake intellectual jobs. What is also disadvantageous is that, based in regional areas, companies risk distancing themselves further from their customers, their suppliers and other partners in their business transactions, which can their profitability.

In conclusion, moving business from cities to rural areas can be a smart decision. However, there are disadvantages that should be weighed carefully against the advantages.

Các từ/ cụm từ và cấu trúc được sử dụng

  • forbade people to do sth: cấm ai làm gì
  • municipal: thành phố trực thuộc trung ương
  • elaborate on sth: xây dựng trên cái gì
  • On the positive side: về mặt tích cực >< On the negative side: về mặt tiêu cực
  • makes perfect environmental sense
  • rid sb of sth: loại bỏ cái gì ra khỏi ai
  • opt to sth: lựa chọn
  • a rarity: sự khan hiếm
  • undertake intellectual jobs: thực hiện những công việc liên quan đến trí não
  • business transactions: giao dịch kinh doanh
  • profitability: lợi nhuận
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