Bảng chú giải

Chọn một trong các từ khóa ở bên trái…


Thời gian đọc: ~5 min

Viết ý tưởng để giữ trường học “xanh”

Gợi ý:

  • Collect all the plastic bags and put them into rubbish bins
  • Clean the classrooms and the school yard every day
  • Plant more trees and flowers

Bài viết mẫu

There are some things we can do to make our school a greener place. First, we can plant more trees and flowers, and clean the classrooms and the school yard regularly. Second, we can save electricity by turning off the lights and fans when we go home. Third, we need to collect rubbish and put it into bins. Moreover, the school should organize classes and events where students can share and learn about Going Green. Being green is not only the benefit of the school, but of our own. We should do it together, so our school can be a clean, green, and beautiful place.

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